Monday, May 25, 2015

the land of my fathers

WARNING: I am extremely jet lagged right now but still want to talk about it.

After a relatively low key travel day and a nice taxi ride from Brennan McCarthy (they do in fact drive on the other side of the is much weirder to see in person I promise).

Stop 1: Dublin, Ireland. and what a great first desitination! Not only does it make sense logisitically to stop here first and with some great recommendations from past fellow, Rachel Snodgrass. Ireland is supposedly where the Burns clan hails. However I have some reservations about that seeing as my grandfather doesn't really seem to have a clear "how our family came to America" story. So I think it's probably one of two things.

1. My family was chased out of Ireland because they were routy and never welcomed back. In which case...shhh don't tell anyone I'm here. 


2. My family just appeared out of the foothills of Pennsylvania one day and when someone asked where they were from the Burns' just mumbled something in their native tongue and everyone has just assumed we were Irish ever since. 

Personally, I just assume the latter. Anyways--what is ahead for me in Dublin? Well I am going to fight my jetlag tomorrow with a tour of the Cliffs of Moher...pretty excited to see this landscape, especially because of my fellow Fellow, Emily, who will be following the paths of American Landscape artists (check out her blog too: This is for you, Emily! 

My main goal right now is to settle in to my hostel and get to a point where I can form a coherent sentence the first time around. 

Lastly...of course I've already had a Guniness.

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