Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Other snipits from today

Besides navigating Trinity and learning my way around a new city in the rain (which is to be expected) I was welcomed to Ireland by a very drunk man who was drinking whiskey out of a lemonade bottle (which is to be expected). But I also investigated some new parts of the city and found St Patrick's  which is pictured below and St Audeons Church which were both very big and very beautiful. 

I didn't want to pay to get in. 

What I expected least when walking around St Patrick's big garden/park was to run into a woman with a Tim Hortons cup (Canadian/northeastern coffee house given to Canadians and hockey players by God). So then, to my surprise I found out that there was indeed a store that sold Tim hortons bakery goods and coffee. Just a little piece of home to help me through a rather rainy and chilly afternoon. 
Also I forgot to mention the political street signs all over the place. Obviously Ireland had a big and historic vote last week regarding gay marriage and the signs are EVERYWHERE! Since yesterday I was driven across the entire country I paid some attention to them. I noticed that the cities were largely "vote yes" while the countryside had many, many signs saying "vote no". Just an interesting city/country dynamic I thought. 

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